Are you looking for a unique visually stunning website to showcase your small business? With a particular emphasis on developing websites for independent artists, freelancers, and small business, contact me to disccuss the possibilities!
Web and Graphic Design Services
in the Land of Enchantment
Wix, Squarespace and Wordpress
Website SEO & Social Media
(Yelp, Google, Facebook, Instagram, Trip Advisor)
Posters, Signs, Print Ads, Flyers.
Brochures, Rack Cards, Logo Design
Commercial Photography, Retail Product Photography, Landscape & Architecture
Web Design Highlights
El Nicho Santa Fe Folk Art Gift Shop, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Involvement: Wix Website design, principal photography, SEO, graphic design services, flyers, business cards, magazine advertising, product photography. Rated the #1 Gift Shop in Santa Fe on Yelp.
For over 30 years El Nicho Folk Art Gift Shop has been one of Santa Fe's most beloved gift shops. Specializing in hand-crafted Hispanic Colonial and Native American folk art, we feature folk art wood carvings from the legendary Ortega family, Southwestern jewelry at off-the-plaza prices, and highly collectible New Mexican and Native American crafts.
Pete Ortega Folk Artist, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Involvement: Wix Website design and principal photography.
Considered a living legend, folk artist Pete Ortega is the son of renown woodcarver Ben Ortega and a master woodcarver in his own right.
Victoria DeAlmeida, Artist, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Involvement: Wix Website Design, Photography
Victoria de Almeida is an award-winning folk artist and owner of the Victoria de Almeida Studio in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Palacio Cafe II, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Involvement: Wix Website design, principal photography, menu design
Voted the best breakfast burrito in Santa Fe by the Santa Fe New Mexican, Palacio Cafe II specializes in classic New Mexican dishes and a wide array of gourmet sandwiches. Sadly, due to Covid-19, Palacio Cafe II is no longer in business.
Sonia's Hairstyles, Anchorage, Alaska
Involvement: Wix Website Design
Located in South Anchorage, Sonia's Magic Hairstyles is an innovative hair salon featuring magical transformations for hairstyles and color.
Alaska Innovative Medicine, Anchorage, Alaska
Involvement: Wordpress Website Design
Physician driven leadership to improve the health of Alaskans through improved communication between all stakeholders involved in patient care and to remove barriers to access and use of healthcare Resources.
Additional Website experience:
Alaska SPCA, Anchorage Alaska • Anchorage Fur Rendezvous, Anchorage, Alaska
First Tee of Greater El Paso, El Paso, Texas •St. Elias Specialty Hospital, Anchorage, Alaska
Alaska Hospitalist Group, Anchorage, Alaska